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Our initiation will be held at DePaul University on Apr. 23, 2022.


We woudl like to invite you and/or your students to apply for membership in Iota Sigma Pi, the National Honor Society for Women in Chemistry. Our membership includes undergraduate and graduate students, as well as professional women-identifying chemists, teachers, and professors in the field of chemistry or allied fields.

Our initiation ceremony will be held at DePaul University on Saturday, April 23rd (afternoon). If you apply, are approved, and pay membership dues and fees by April 16th you are invited to attend! (Attendance at our initiation ceremony is not required to become a member.)

Why join Iota Sigma Pi?

-- We have an active chapter in the Chicago area (Aurum Iodide Chapter) that sponsors a wide variety of programs including monthly professional talks by members and invited speakers, field trips, social gatherings, and a December joint meeting with the Chicago Section of ACS. The meetings are held from September to May each year. During alternate years, we offer undergraduate women an opportunity to present their research at our Undergraduate Woman Student Chemistry Symposium. Our chapter website is

-- We support the National Iota Sigma Pi goals of supporting the development of women in chemistry and making awards to qualified women in chemistry.

-- A benefit to membership in Iota Sigma Pi is the opportunity for networking that occurs between the members. Our chapter has a mixture of women with a variety of chemical interests: our members are from industry, government, and academia and include both faculty and students. The size of our group is large enough to constitute a meaningful network, yet small enough for everyone to get to know one another.

The qualifications for student membership are:

  • Undergraduate students: junior and senior women who have an overall 3.0 GPA and either 6 semesters of chemistry courses with a 3.0 chemistry GPA, or 4 semesters of chemistry courses with a 3.5 chemistry GPA.

  • Graduate students: female graduate students in chemistry-related fields with at least 9 semester hours (or equivalent) with a 3.0 GPA and meet the undergraduate requirements listed above.

The qualifications for professional membership include:

  • hold a Ph.D. in chemistry or field closely related to chemistry


  • hold a baccalaureate or masters degree in chemistry or field closely related to chemistry and have a three year employment history in chemistry or a field where the principles of chemistry are important


  • have a five year employment history in chemistry or a field where the principles of chemistry are important.

To submit your application, go to, click on Membership from the menu at the top of the page and select Membership again in the drop-down menu. Read through the requirements for membership and click on the Membership Application button at the bottom of the page. Complete the membership application form and upload your transcripts (for student applicants, unofficial transcripts are acceptable) or CV (for professional applicants). Upon successful submission, you will be redirected to a payment page for initiation fees ($25) and first-year's dues (students - $20, professionals - $55), but you will not be able to checkout until you have been approved for membership and create a site login. You will also receive an email confirmation of your submission. View video instructions here:

I look forward to receiving your application! Please do not hesitate to let me know if you have any questions!

Dr. Teresa J Bixby

Aurum Iodide Membership Affairs Coordinator



Dr. Teresa J. Bixby

University Assessment Coordinator

Associate Professor of Chemistry

Lewis University

1 University Parkway

Romeoville, IL  60446


©2018 by Iota Sigma Pi: Aurum Iodide Chapter. Proudly created with

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